Welcome to Freehold Soccer League where we create and foster an environment for fun and discovery for children from kindergarten to high school.
Over 50 years ago this club was started as a way of introducing the children of the area to this ‘Beautiful game”. Today, because of the great spirit of volunteerism that exists in our community, we have grown from 4 teams to a club with over 1200 recreation and travel players.
Our philosophy aims to introduce the children of Freehold to the game through the creation of a safe, fun, organized and healthy learning atmosphere which provides our youth with a competitive soccer environment that fosters player development in the game. We emphasize respect for the ROOTS (Rules, Opponents, Officials, Teammates, & Self) of the game as we “Honor the Game” and all of those that participate in any way.
Volunteer Info
Freehold Soccer League PO Box 653 Freehold, New Jersey 07728
Email: [email protected]