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Freehold Soccer League

Freehold Soccer League

Work Bond Check Collection

Individual Work Bonds checks of ($150 travel - $75 rec) need to be collected by all coaches and submitted to the FSL Secretary along with this from (PDF , DOC).  The checks need to be made out to "Freehold Soccer League" and should be undated.
The checks and forms can be dropped off at the snack bar (rec) or at the September monthly coach's meeting (travel).

Please remind your parents, that they are required to volunteer for 4 hours from August through June. Upon completion their checks will be shredded.

Note the following:
-The following are acceptable reasons and/or roles for not submitting a work bond check: FSL Board Member, Head Coach, Assistant Coach, Team Parent/Mgr, Team Treasurer, and Submitted Check with Younger Sibling’s Team (include team name).

-Only 1 check is needed per family. In the event there are multiple family members participating on Freehold Soccer League team(s), please follow these guides:

1) Travel Only - Your check goes to the youngest travel team if you have more than 1 player. (we hope parents with 2 travel kids would support both teams in the team bond fulfilling work)

2 )Travel and Rec - Check goes to travel and to the youngest team

3) Rec - same as travel, check goes to youngest team when you have multiple kids

Please send any questions to Carol Schandall, FSL Secretary at: [email protected]

Volunteer Work Bond Info

Volunteer Information - Work Bond Program

Please note that this is for the Fall 2022 and Spring 2023 Season

A work bond program is a program where each parent submits an additional fee to the league upon registration. After a predetermined number of volunteering hours have been met, the family is returned this fee.

Due to the lack of volunteers in years past, the Freehold Soccer League Board has decided to implement a work bond program for both the Travel and Recreation Programs.  Most of the other clubs across the State of New Jersey have a work bond program, and we have tried to avoid it but our organization is only as good as its volunteers.  We are finding it more difficult every year to get people to volunteer their time with essential functions such as field lining, setting up / removing nets, coaching and most importantly helping with our tournaments and fall/spring opening and closing ceremonies.  The tournaments are Freehold Soccer League's single most important fundraiser, which helps the league to keep its general fees lower as well as offer you more for your money.  We need the help from the league's parents to continue with the success of your league's soccer programs.

For Recreation and Travel, to sign up for the activities listed below is an easy 3 step process.

For Travel

  1. Click the following link to go to the VolunteerSpot invitation page 
  2. Enter your email address: (You will NOT need to register an account on VolunteerSpot)
  3. Sign up! Choose your spots – will send you an automated confirmation and reminders

For Recreation

  1. Click the following link to go to the VolunteerSpot invitation page
  2. Enter your email address: (You will NOT need to register an account on VolunteerSpot)
  3. Sign up! Choose your spots – will send you an automated confirmation and reminders

To print the Volunteer Completion Form for Recreation, please click here

To print the Volunteer Completion Form for Travel, please click here

The work bond fee is $150 per family for travel and $75 per family for recreation. The work bond checks will be held by FSL Administration office and your check will be returned to you upon completion of your volunteer duties. THE FORM IS NOW A FILLABLE FORM. PLEASE FILL IN THE FORM AND EMAIL TO [email protected]. If you do not submit your check your child will not be able to play until your check is received. (For Travel or Recreation). You must be 18 years old or older to qualify for this work bond program. If your child or children play both Travel and Recreation, you will only be required to fill your Travel work bond requirement. Your volunteer work will be for both programs. 

If you are a Recreation ONLY family:

Your family is required to complete a total of 1 hour of volunteer service.  In order to volunteer, log onto the website, click volunteer work bond on the left.  Midway down the page click the link after step 1 for RECREATION ONLY Fall 2022 or TRAVEL 2022-2023.  Enter your email twice and pick your day, time and activity.  After you complete your required hour, go back on line to the website and after step 3 there will be a completion form for recreation, fill it out and email to [email protected].  Please only hand in 1 undated work bond check.  If you have multiple children playing, hand check to 1 coach and tell the other coaches which age group and if boys/girls so we can cross reference. 

If you are a Travel ONLY Family:

Your family is required to complete a total of 4 hours of volunteer service.  In order to volunteer, log onto the website, click volunteer work bond on the left.  Mid way down the page click the link after step 1 for TRAVEL 2022-2023 (travel families can only volunteer for travel activities).  Enter your email twice and pick your day, time and activity.  After you complete your required hour, go back on line to the website and after step 3 there will be a completion form for TRAVEL, fill it out and email to [email protected].  Please only hand in 1 undated work bond check.  If you have multiple children playing, hand check to 1 coach and tell the other coaches which age group and if boys/girls so we can cross reference.   

If you have Children playing in both RECREATION AND TRAVEL:

Your family is required to complete a total of 4 hours of volunteer service.  In order to volunteer, log onto the website, click volunteer work bond on the left.  Midway down the page click the link after step 1 for TRAVEL 2022-2023 (if you have children playing in both programs you and only for travel activities).  Enter your email twice and pick your day, time and activity.  After you complete your required hour, go back on line to the website and after step 3 there will be a completion form for TRAVEL, fill it out and email to [email protected].  Please only hand in 1 undated work bond check.  If you have multiple children playing, hand check to 1 TRAVEL coach and tell the other coaches which age group and if boys/girls so we can cross reference. 

You may choose not to volunteer and to forfeit your deposit but Freehold Soccer League certainly hopes that you choose to provide assistance to the Club!

There will be many ways in which parents can volunteer their time to recuperate their work bond. We are hoping that everyone will assist the club with their time and therefore no one will surrender their work bond.

 Majority of the ways to recuperate your work bond will include:

  • Head Coach - meets full requirement
  • Assistant Coaches (max 2 per team) - meets full requirement
  • Division Coordinator - meets full requirement
  • Team Parent/Treasurer/Manager - meets full requirement (one per each team)
  • Tournament Committee - meets full requirement in that season
  • Recreation Picture Day Coordinator
  • Field Marshall
  • Field Maintenance (Goal setup and removal)
  • Tournament Volunteers (various functions include but not limited to; registration, souvenirs, raffle, concessions, field maintenance, garbage removal, parking, etc.)

Please help make YOUR soccer club successful!!

It is the volunteer’s responsibility to properly document the hours you have given to the Club. Upon completion of your obligation, you must have your time sheet validated by your team's Head Coach or Manager.  DO NOT HAND IN YOUR COMPLETED WORK BOND TIMESHEET TO YOUR TEAM'S COACH, MANAGER OR TEAM PARENT.  You must turn in your completed, signed work bond sheet at either a monthly general membership meeting, by email or by mailing it to: Freehold Soccer League, P.O. Box 653, Freehold, NJ 07728

Completed work bond forms are due no later than November 15, 2022 (Fall Recreation Season) and July 1, 2023 for the Travel and Spring Recreation Programs. If you fail to submit your completed work bond form by this date or fail to complete your work bond assignment, you will forfeit your work bond to the FSL.  No exceptions will be made.  Work bonds will not be carried over to the following season. 

 If you have any questions, please contact:

 The FSL Volunteer Coordinator @ [email protected].


Freehold Soccer League
PO Box 653 
Freehold, New Jersey 07728

Email: [email protected]

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